Find A Mortgage Loan Originator

Find A Mortgage Loan Originator

Alfredo Aguiar

Mortgage Loan Originator

Alberto Cobo

Branch Manager

Ariel Gallardo

Mortgage Loan Originator

Aline Phillips

Mortgage Loan Originator

Alexander Ruiz

Mortgage Loan Originator

Bianca Barnes

Mortgage Loan Originator

Brandon Carrero

Mortgage Loan Originator

Charles Wiley

Mortgage Loan Originator

Derek Bissen

Mortgage Loan Originator

DeAnna Morison

Mortgage Loan Originator

David Perdomo

Mortgage Loan Originator

Damaris Serrano

Mortgage Loan Originator

Donna Torkos

Mortgage Loan Originator

Felipe Guifarro

Mortgage Loan Originator

Gina Cosculluela

Vice President

George St Pierre

Mortgage Loan Originator

Gregory Ryan

Mortgage Loan Originator

German Torres Jr.

Mortgage Loan Originator

Helena Darnell

Mortgage Loan Originator

Isaac Posada

Team Loan Officer

John A. Cosculluela III, Esq.

Mortgage Loan Originator

John Cosculluela

CEO | President

JD Daher

Mortgage Loan Originator

Jessica Rivera-Sutton

Mortgage Loan Originator

Jorge Luis Guim

Mortgage Loan Originator

Kalia Nurse

Mortgage Loan Officer

Luis Perez

Mortgage Loan Originator

Moises Alicea

Mortgage Loan Originator

Mario Consuegra

Mortgage Loan Originator

Marcia Gallo

Mortgage Loan Originator

Maura Hennessey

Mortgage Loan Originator

Michael Molina

Sales Manager

Marianela Muniz

Mortgage Loan Originator

Maria Alejandra Vargas

Mortgage Loan Originator

Niurka Salvat

Mortgage Loan Originator

Rafael Lara

Mortgage Loan Originator

Robert E Carrigan III

Mortgage Loan Originator

Robert Stott

Robert Stott

Mortgage Loan Originator

Sandra Cobo

Mortgage Loan Originator

Sergio Castrillo

Mortgage Loan Originator

Sean Guim

Mortgage Loan Originator

Theresa Kay

Mortgage Loan Originator

Tina Olive

Mortgage Loan Originator

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We have bridged the gap between technology and years of industry expertise to deliver a simple home financing process to our clients nationwide.

Servicing the community is driven by our core values of commitment, integrity, and transparency. Many of us sat in every chair of the mortgage industry, allowing us to fully understand the business from all aspects. This in-depth knowledge is what enables us to efficiently adapt to industry change, while consistently providing our clients with a first-in-class customer service and a stellar mortgage experience.

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